Arkitektura Goi Eskola Teknikoaren Bibliotekako Informazioa | Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | UPV/EHU | Información de la Biblioteca de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura | Universidad del País Vasco
book | Landscape architecture : water features
Landscape architecture : water features / [editor, Alejandro Bahamón].
Barcelona : Loft, 2006.
191 p. : il., planos
ISBN 9781592532735*
Agua en la arquitectura del paisaje.
Jardines de agua.
Agua y arquitectura.
Biblioteca A-712.5 LAN
Over the past decade, incorporating water features into the architectural landscape has become a prevailing theme. As a result, there are hundreds of noteworthy installations wordwide on a public level that document the drama and beauty that water can bring to a landscape design. Far beyond the simple central fountain, landscape designers are bringing innovative and startling creativity to their landscapes using water as a central feature.
This book presents work from some of the best designers in this area worldwide and presents all the details behind the most interesting and dynamic water features being created. This stunning collection, which includes plans, drawings and beautiful photographs, will inspire and inform both planners and designers on the possibilities for incorporating water into landscape design.
Barcelona : Loft, 2006.
191 p. : il., planos
ISBN 9781592532735*
Agua en la arquitectura del paisaje.
Jardines de agua.
Agua y arquitectura.
Biblioteca A-712.5 LAN
Over the past decade, incorporating water features into the architectural landscape has become a prevailing theme. As a result, there are hundreds of noteworthy installations wordwide on a public level that document the drama and beauty that water can bring to a landscape design. Far beyond the simple central fountain, landscape designers are bringing innovative and startling creativity to their landscapes using water as a central feature.
This book presents work from some of the best designers in this area worldwide and presents all the details behind the most interesting and dynamic water features being created. This stunning collection, which includes plans, drawings and beautiful photographs, will inspire and inform both planners and designers on the possibilities for incorporating water into landscape design.
book | New York
New York / Alan Balfour.
Chichester, West Sussex [etc.] : Wiley-Academy, 2001.
344 p. : il.
Serie: World Cities
ISBN 9780471489450*
Arquitectura - Estados Unidos.
Arquitectura - Siglo XX.
Nueva York (N.Y.)
Biblioteca A-72.036(73) NEW
New York is an exciting book dedicated to one of the world's most fascinating and vibrant cities. Lavishly illustrated this architectural overview documents both the historical development and the future prospects of New York. Throughout New York you will find a wide range of projects which demonstrate every aspect of the city's construction, including commercial, residential, industrial and public buildings, as well as transportation and landscape works. The projects, both built and yet to be built, include works by Richard Gluckman, FOA, FTL, Hanrahan and Meyers, Bernard Tschumi, Peter Eisenman, Richard Meier, Rem Koolhaas, Zaha Hadid, Herzog and De Meuron and other architects of international renown. Each project is covered in detail with texts, plans, drawings and outstanding photography.
Chichester, West Sussex [etc.] : Wiley-Academy, 2001.
344 p. : il.
Serie: World Cities
ISBN 9780471489450*
Arquitectura - Estados Unidos.
Arquitectura - Siglo XX.
Nueva York (N.Y.)
Biblioteca A-72.036(73) NEW
New York is an exciting book dedicated to one of the world's most fascinating and vibrant cities. Lavishly illustrated this architectural overview documents both the historical development and the future prospects of New York. Throughout New York you will find a wide range of projects which demonstrate every aspect of the city's construction, including commercial, residential, industrial and public buildings, as well as transportation and landscape works. The projects, both built and yet to be built, include works by Richard Gluckman, FOA, FTL, Hanrahan and Meyers, Bernard Tschumi, Peter Eisenman, Richard Meier, Rem Koolhaas, Zaha Hadid, Herzog and De Meuron and other architects of international renown. Each project is covered in detail with texts, plans, drawings and outstanding photography.
hemeroteka | Donostia: Un paseo por la nueva autovía

Hoy también será jornada de 'puertas abiertas' en el vial y mañana por la tarde comenzará a circular el tráfico. Cientos de guipuzcoanos recorrieron a pie o en bici el tramo entre Martutene y Amara.
Leire Escalada | El Diario Vasco, 2010-08-29
Imagen: El Diario Vasco
«¡Eco, eco, eco!», grita un niño pedaleando sobre su bicicleta mientras atraviesa el túnel de Zorroaga acompañado de sus padres y su hermana. Como ellos, cientos de guipuzcoanos se acercaron ayer a estrenar el tramo de autovía del Urumea que enlaza Martutene, Loiola y Amara. La vía, de 1,4 kilómetros de longitud, permitirá al tráfico acceder al corazón de San Sebastián desde mañana. Pero el fin de semana los protagonistas están siendo los viandantes, ciclistas y patinadores que no quieren desaprovechar la oportunidad de ser los primeros en estrenar el asfalto del nuevo tramo. El recorrido nace con el doble objetivo de mejorar la circulación de la capital guipuzcoana y descongestionar el tráfico de la N-I entre Andoain y Donostia.
elkarrizketa | Carlos Marqués Rodríguez: "La buena restauración es la que no se nota"
hemeroteka | Los rascacielos: ¿el futuro de Bilbao?

Luis Bilbao Larrondo | Historiador | Deia, 2010-08-29
Imagen: Panoramio

book | Palm Springs modern : houses in the California desert
Palm Springs modern : houses in the California desert / by Adèle Cygelman ; foreword by Joseph Rosa ; photographs by David Glomb.
New York : Rizzoli, 1999.
191 p. : il.
ISBN 0847820912
Arquitectura - Siglo XX - Estados Unidos.
Palm Springs (California)
Biblioteca A-72.036(73) PAL
Palm Springs is famous as a mecca for the international jet set. But the city has also attracted its share of eccentrics and mavericks who have left an architectural legacy that remains unsurpassed for its originality and international influence. "Palm Springs Modern" examines the impact that architects and designers have had on the desert oasis, primarily from the 1940s to the 1960s, when they created one of the most important concentrations of modernist architecture in the world.
Palm Springs came into its own architecturally after the war when it became a haven for such modernists as Richard Neutra, who was already practicing the International Style in Los Angeles. Many other distinguished architects have left distinctive marks in the desert: Albert Frey, John Lautner, E. Stewart Williams, William Cody, John Porter Clark, and Craig Ellwood. "Palm Springs Modern" features examples of mid-century modernism at its most glamorous, some of them the residences of prominent figures who commissioned weekend getaways in the desert including Frank Sinatra, Walter Annenberg, and Raymond Loewy.
Adele Cygelman's insightful text, a foreword by architectural historian Joseph Rosa, contemporary color photography by David Glomb, and the celebrated archival black-and-white work of Julius Shulman all capture the distinctly modern allure of America's famed desert playground.
Otras lecturas
Mi terapia
Jesús Cano | El Mundo, Yo dona, 2006-02-20
Algunos tienen Prozac (más de 40 millones de personas en el mundo), otros el Lexatin... Yo tengo la arquitectura. Sí, has leído bien. Y aviso, no estoy bajo los efectos de ningún antidepresivo o ansiolítico. El descubrimiento. Después de una semana (la pasada) en la que no vives, sino contemplas los días (léase, horrorosa), he encontrado la paz gracias a algunos libros de arquitectura.
Mi terapia empezó con John Pawson. Bueno, no con él, sino con sus libros ('Temas y Proyectos', Ed Phaidon y el número 127 de El Croquis). Puedes leer cosas como "en el tipo de trabajo que yo llevo a cabo un detalle mal calculado -una proporción que te haga sentir incómodo o algo tan simple como un interruptor mal situado- puede comprometerlo todo. Tienes que ser muy obsesivo o nunca conseguirás que las cosas sean correctas"; o también "lo mínimo puede medirse como la perfección que un objeto alcanza cuando ya no es posible mejorarla por sustracción, la cualidad que tiene cuando el más nimio detalle ha sido reducido a lo esencial. Es el resultado de la omisión de lo superfluo". Con sus libros puedes pasear por espacios serenos que invitan a la calma, por interiores que transmiten tranquilidad y sosiego. Con diez años a sus espaldas, su libro 'Minimum' (Ed. Phaidon) sigue siendo en sí mismo "un objeto maravilloso". Es un catálogo de lugares, arquitectura, muebles, objetos... que respiran sencillez. Te puedes encontrar desde un tazón blanco chino a una máscara africana pasando por la planta del Panteón o una obra del arquitecto Barragán.
Pero como no sólo de Pawson vive el hombre, continuo con otro libro que me parece fascinante. 'Atmósferas' (Ed. Gustavo Gili) de Peter Zumthor. Aprendes a descifrar las sensaciones que te producen los lugares a los que vas. Cada cierto tiempo vuelvo a Tadao Ando ('The complete works', en Taschen y Phaidon), sobre todo a sus primeros proyectos, a sus primeras casas. Nunca he tocado su hormigón, dicen que tiene una fórmula secreta, que cuando lo tocas es como si tocaras la piel de un niño. De vez en cuando me aventuro y paseo por el desierto. Entonces, sediento, devoro las páginas de 'Palm Springs Modern' (Ed. Rizzoli). Las mejores casas modernistas de EE.UU se concentran en esta árida zona. Te sientes como si estuvieras en una casa de Richard Neutra (por cierto, Taschen tiene dos libros maravillosos publicados en formato XXL sobre sus trabajos). Si lo acompañas de un Dry Martini, incluso puedes intuir a Frank Sinatra saludándote desde el otro lado de la valla.
La ventaja de viajar a través de los libros (y relajarte) es que puedes viajar de Oriente y de una ciudad bulliciosa, moderna y caótica como Tokyo (estoy descubriendo la obra de Jun Aoki a través del libro 'Complete Works'. Lo encuentras en Amazon), al mundo clásico de Palladio, Boullée o Leroux (estos tres deberían ser de lectura obligada).
Fuente | El Mundo
New York : Rizzoli, 1999.
191 p. : il.
ISBN 0847820912
Arquitectura - Siglo XX - Estados Unidos.
Palm Springs (California)
Biblioteca A-72.036(73) PAL
Palm Springs is famous as a mecca for the international jet set. But the city has also attracted its share of eccentrics and mavericks who have left an architectural legacy that remains unsurpassed for its originality and international influence. "Palm Springs Modern" examines the impact that architects and designers have had on the desert oasis, primarily from the 1940s to the 1960s, when they created one of the most important concentrations of modernist architecture in the world.
Palm Springs came into its own architecturally after the war when it became a haven for such modernists as Richard Neutra, who was already practicing the International Style in Los Angeles. Many other distinguished architects have left distinctive marks in the desert: Albert Frey, John Lautner, E. Stewart Williams, William Cody, John Porter Clark, and Craig Ellwood. "Palm Springs Modern" features examples of mid-century modernism at its most glamorous, some of them the residences of prominent figures who commissioned weekend getaways in the desert including Frank Sinatra, Walter Annenberg, and Raymond Loewy.
Adele Cygelman's insightful text, a foreword by architectural historian Joseph Rosa, contemporary color photography by David Glomb, and the celebrated archival black-and-white work of Julius Shulman all capture the distinctly modern allure of America's famed desert playground.
Otras lecturas
Mi terapia
Jesús Cano | El Mundo, Yo dona, 2006-02-20
Algunos tienen Prozac (más de 40 millones de personas en el mundo), otros el Lexatin... Yo tengo la arquitectura. Sí, has leído bien. Y aviso, no estoy bajo los efectos de ningún antidepresivo o ansiolítico. El descubrimiento. Después de una semana (la pasada) en la que no vives, sino contemplas los días (léase, horrorosa), he encontrado la paz gracias a algunos libros de arquitectura.
Mi terapia empezó con John Pawson. Bueno, no con él, sino con sus libros ('Temas y Proyectos', Ed Phaidon y el número 127 de El Croquis). Puedes leer cosas como "en el tipo de trabajo que yo llevo a cabo un detalle mal calculado -una proporción que te haga sentir incómodo o algo tan simple como un interruptor mal situado- puede comprometerlo todo. Tienes que ser muy obsesivo o nunca conseguirás que las cosas sean correctas"; o también "lo mínimo puede medirse como la perfección que un objeto alcanza cuando ya no es posible mejorarla por sustracción, la cualidad que tiene cuando el más nimio detalle ha sido reducido a lo esencial. Es el resultado de la omisión de lo superfluo". Con sus libros puedes pasear por espacios serenos que invitan a la calma, por interiores que transmiten tranquilidad y sosiego. Con diez años a sus espaldas, su libro 'Minimum' (Ed. Phaidon) sigue siendo en sí mismo "un objeto maravilloso". Es un catálogo de lugares, arquitectura, muebles, objetos... que respiran sencillez. Te puedes encontrar desde un tazón blanco chino a una máscara africana pasando por la planta del Panteón o una obra del arquitecto Barragán.
Pero como no sólo de Pawson vive el hombre, continuo con otro libro que me parece fascinante. 'Atmósferas' (Ed. Gustavo Gili) de Peter Zumthor. Aprendes a descifrar las sensaciones que te producen los lugares a los que vas. Cada cierto tiempo vuelvo a Tadao Ando ('The complete works', en Taschen y Phaidon), sobre todo a sus primeros proyectos, a sus primeras casas. Nunca he tocado su hormigón, dicen que tiene una fórmula secreta, que cuando lo tocas es como si tocaras la piel de un niño. De vez en cuando me aventuro y paseo por el desierto. Entonces, sediento, devoro las páginas de 'Palm Springs Modern' (Ed. Rizzoli). Las mejores casas modernistas de EE.UU se concentran en esta árida zona. Te sientes como si estuvieras en una casa de Richard Neutra (por cierto, Taschen tiene dos libros maravillosos publicados en formato XXL sobre sus trabajos). Si lo acompañas de un Dry Martini, incluso puedes intuir a Frank Sinatra saludándote desde el otro lado de la valla.
La ventaja de viajar a través de los libros (y relajarte) es que puedes viajar de Oriente y de una ciudad bulliciosa, moderna y caótica como Tokyo (estoy descubriendo la obra de Jun Aoki a través del libro 'Complete Works'. Lo encuentras en Amazon), al mundo clásico de Palladio, Boullée o Leroux (estos tres deberían ser de lectura obligada).
Fuente | El Mundo
euskaraz | Pertsonen beharretan sakondu nahi du Veneziako Arkitektura Biurtekoak
Irudia: El Mundo | Proyecto "Your Split Second House" del danés Olafur Elliasson
hemeroteka | Mucho arte, por fuera y por dentro

Mucho arte, por fuera y por dentro
Albergan exposiciones, pero también son obras de arte en sí mismos. Iconos urbanos y turísticos. La arquitectura moderna más atrevida revoluciona los museos
Javier Heras | El País, 2010-08-28
Imagen: El País
Son los museos las nuevas catedrales del siglo XXI?, reflexionaba en una reciente entrevista el arquitecto francés Jean Nouvel. La denominación se ha generalizado: estos centros, más allá de su función clásica de expositores, se han convertido en lugares de encuentro donde la arquitectura reclama protagonismo. Lo anticipaba hace diez años Vicente Todolí, ex director de la Tate Modern: "Museos como el Guggenheim parece que coleccionen edificios". Nombres de prestigio -de Norman Foster a Zaha Hadid, pasando por algunos jóvenes talentos- se sueltan la melena con espacios innovadores. Aspiran al efecto Guggenheim: transformar una ciudad como lo hizo el proyecto de Frank Gehry con Bilbao.hemeroteka | Santander: La restauración de Pronillo saca a la luz la belleza renacentista del palacio
Imagen: El Diario Montañés

Se trabaja con mimo en el reloj de sol, escudos, columnas, gárgolas, la capilla y la torre del XVI, a partir de la cual se levantó el edificio
Juan C. Flores-Gispert | El Diario Montañés, 2010-08-28
hemeroteka | Un zulo de arte vasco en Pekín

El donostiarra Iñigo Salaberria y el vitoriano Aitor Lajarín exponen en la gran urbe asiática. Ambos artistas han residido dos meses en la capital china con el programa 'Goazen Txinara'
Enrique Mingo | El Diario Vasco, 2010-08-28
Imagen: El Diario Vasco
En la inmensa piel de China se ha abierto un pequeño poro por el que transpira aire vasco. Se trata del estudio de arte MA Studio que el hondarribitarra Judas Arrieta montó hace cinco años en el distrito 318 de la capital del gigante asiático, Pekín, rodeado de un ambiente de gran inquietud artística. Teniendo como base este espacio de alrededor de 200 metros cuadrados, Arrieta, ideó el programa 'Goazen Txinara!' (¡Vamos a China!), como un conducto transmisor entre dos culturas, la vasca y la china, muy alejadas en todos los aspectos. De esta manera, y con el apoyo financiero del Gobierno Vasco, consiguió que además de ser un estudio de trabajo fuera un espacio de residencia en el que, tras un concurso, diferentes artistas vascos pudieran vivir, desarrollar y exponer allí sus proyectos previamente seleccionados. Este año ha celebrado la segunda edición. UPV/EHU | José Luis de Vicente: "Es posible la arquitectura sin arquitectura"
book | Marrakech : living on the edge of the desert
Marrakech : living on the edge of the desert / Massimo Listri, Daniel Rey.
Mulgrave, Victoria : Images, 2005.
239 p. : il.
ISBN 9781864701524*
Arquitectura islámica - Marruecos.
Biblioteca A-72.033.3 MAR
Marrakech is a place of contrasts: half African and half Andalusian. Amid its luxuriant palm groves, through the ochre-coloured streets of the canopied souks, Marrakech sultrily exudes architectural history. High walls protect havens waiting to be discovered as heavy cedar-wood doors yield to offer a glimpse of the delights of the town and
marketplaces. Deep within its gardens, vestiges of ancient splendour eerily reminiscent of ancient Babylon can be discovered. In the quiet angles, nooks and corners where one can hear just the murmuring of a fountain, it is easy to believe it is one of the last outposts of a forgotten Eden. So why not take a ride on the Marrakech Express that is this book?
Daniel Rey, architect and journalist, collaborates with FMR and AD magazines and compiles travel reports for “Cond Nast Traveller and Louis Vuitton City Guides”. Dividing his time between Rome and Marrakech, he teamed up with photographer Massimo Listri to create a book that will have readers reaching for it time and time again, rather like one of Marrakech's most famous exports.
Mulgrave, Victoria : Images, 2005.
239 p. : il.
ISBN 9781864701524*
Arquitectura islámica - Marruecos.
Biblioteca A-72.033.3 MAR
Marrakech is a place of contrasts: half African and half Andalusian. Amid its luxuriant palm groves, through the ochre-coloured streets of the canopied souks, Marrakech sultrily exudes architectural history. High walls protect havens waiting to be discovered as heavy cedar-wood doors yield to offer a glimpse of the delights of the town and
marketplaces. Deep within its gardens, vestiges of ancient splendour eerily reminiscent of ancient Babylon can be discovered. In the quiet angles, nooks and corners where one can hear just the murmuring of a fountain, it is easy to believe it is one of the last outposts of a forgotten Eden. So why not take a ride on the Marrakech Express that is this book?
Daniel Rey, architect and journalist, collaborates with FMR and AD magazines and compiles travel reports for “Cond Nast Traveller and Louis Vuitton City Guides”. Dividing his time between Rome and Marrakech, he teamed up with photographer Massimo Listri to create a book that will have readers reaching for it time and time again, rather like one of Marrakech's most famous exports.
hemeroteka | La falta de arquitectura
hemeroteka | Oviedo: La Marina se asoma a la ciudad

El edificio de estilo art nouveau de la calle Quintana, diseñado por Del Busto en 1934, luce su fachada rehabilitada
Aroa Fernández | La Nueva España, 2010-08-27
hemeroteka | Alava se convierte en ejemplo de gestión de la arquitectura y el vino como reclamo turístico
Imagen: Noticias de Alava

Marqués de riscal, Ysios y Bodegas baigorri son materia de estudio en un ciclo formativo. Unas jornadas sobre Patrimonio Cultural analizan el papel de los edificios significativos en la historia de los mejores caldos
Pablo José Pérez | Noticias de Alava, 2010-08-27
hemeroteka | Bienal de Venecia: Se buscan arquitectos de urgencia
Imagen: El País

La XII Bienal de Venecia se presenta como la más plural e inclinada a buscar soluciones de la historia. La 'pritzker' Kazuyo Sejima es la primera mujer que dirige la muestra
Anatxu Zabalbeascoa | El País, 2010-08-27
¿Qué decide la vida de las personas? ¿Las grandes decisiones o las pequeñas? La arquitecta Kazuyo Sejima (Ibaraki, Japón, 1956) piensa que son las pequeñas las que desencadenan la infelicidad o las que hacen posible una vida plácida. Explica que lo ha aprendido de los arquitectos que se fijaron en las personas -y en los comportamientos de esas personas- antes de dedicarse a analizar las formas. La lista es larga: desde Cedric Price, Rem Koolhaas o Lina Bo Bardi hasta no-arquitectos, como el artista Olafur Eliasson o el cineasta Wim Wenders. Por eso en esta XII edición de la Bienal de Venecia -la primera dirigida por una mujer- la arquitectura elegida por Sejima no quiere cambiar el mundo sino la vida de las personas en ese mundo. Esa es su propuesta.
book | Rough guide to sustainability : a design primer
Rough guide to sustainability : a design primer / by Brian Edwards.
London : RIBA, 2010.
3rd ed.
XVI, 294 p.
ISBN 9781859463321*
Arquitectura - Aspecto del medio ambiente.
Desarrollo sostenible.
Biblioteca A-72:504 ROU
This is a comprehensively updated, restructured and expanded new edition of this non-nonsense student and practice primer equips the contemporary architect to deal with the profession's most important challenge: designing buildings for sustainability.
Written by Brian Edwards, Professor of Sustainable Architecture at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, this book sets out the environmental, professional and governmental context underlying sustainable principles, as well as outlining the science, measures and design solutions that designers need to adopt to meet twenty-first century definitions of responsible architecture. The third edition includes updated design advice on building types, a useful history of green architecture education and new material prepared in anticipation of fresh international agreements at the Copenhagen Conference on Global Warming in 2009.
Stunningly redesigned and extensively illustrated throughout, this guide will appeal to design and built environment students and professionals, and anyone keen to cut through to the facts about sustainability.
“Rough Guide to Sustainability” is published in association with Earthscan.
London : RIBA, 2010.
3rd ed.
XVI, 294 p.
ISBN 9781859463321*
Arquitectura - Aspecto del medio ambiente.
Desarrollo sostenible.
Biblioteca A-72:504 ROU
This is a comprehensively updated, restructured and expanded new edition of this non-nonsense student and practice primer equips the contemporary architect to deal with the profession's most important challenge: designing buildings for sustainability.
Written by Brian Edwards, Professor of Sustainable Architecture at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, this book sets out the environmental, professional and governmental context underlying sustainable principles, as well as outlining the science, measures and design solutions that designers need to adopt to meet twenty-first century definitions of responsible architecture. The third edition includes updated design advice on building types, a useful history of green architecture education and new material prepared in anticipation of fresh international agreements at the Copenhagen Conference on Global Warming in 2009.
Stunningly redesigned and extensively illustrated throughout, this guide will appeal to design and built environment students and professionals, and anyone keen to cut through to the facts about sustainability.
“Rough Guide to Sustainability” is published in association with Earthscan.
series | Twentieth Century Architects (RIBA)
McMorran & Whitby / Edward Denison.
London : RIBA, 2009.
xiii, 153 p. : il.
Serie: Twentieth Century Architects (RIBA)
ISBN 9781859463208*
McMorran, Donald, 1904-1965.
Whitby, George, 1923-2009.
Arquitectura - Siglo XX - Gran Bretaña.
Biblioteca A-72.036(410) MCM
McMorran & Whitby are a secret presence in post-war British architecture. Led from the late 1950s by Donald McMorran and George Whitby, the practice represented an unbroken development from the monumental inter-war classicism represented by figures such as Charles Holden and Sir Edwin Lutyens.
In seeking an alternative path for modern architecture, McMorran & Whitby produced durable buildings with a respect for context, but avoided any accusation of unimaginatively reproducing the past. Theirs was a progressive classicism full of invention and beauty. Being out of fashion, they suffered neglect but their work has increasingly won admirers and many of the buildings are now listed.
Many public institutions favoured their work, as Metropolitan Police stations and section houses, the Devon County Hall in Exeter, Nottingham University and the West Suffolk County Council buildings in Bury St Edmunds bear witness. For the City Corporation they built housing estates, the Wood Street Police Station and the extension to the Central Criminal Court, (The Old Bailey).
This book is the first major publication on McMorran & Whitbys work, with an inspiring combination of contemporary photography and previously unpublished archival material. It is an essential read for architects, students, and historians, not least because it uncovers and celebrates buildings outside the mainstream that we need to understand and cherish.
This book has been commissioned as part of a series of books on 20th Century Architects by RIBA Publishing, English Heritage and The Twentieth Century Society.
Powell & Moya / Kenneth Powell.
London : RIBA, 2009.
xv, 144 p. : il.
Serie: Twentieth Century Architects (RIBA)
ISBN 9781859463031*
Powell, Philip, 1921-2003.
Moya, Hidalgo, 1920-1994.
Arquitectura Siglo XX Gran Bretaña.
Biblioteca A-72.036(410) POW
The first ever comprehensive and engaging account of one of Britains most significant post-war practices, Powell & Moya.
Founded in 1946 by Philip Powell and Hidalgo 'Jacko' Moya, the practice rapidly established a reputation for an approach best described as 'humane modernism'. This book reveals the principles of design particular to Powell & Moya, and tells how they were at the forefront of hospital design, succeeded in bringing modernism to the ancient universities of Oxford and Cambridge, designed one of London's most successful post-war housing schemes, Churchill Gardens and enlivened the 1950s London skyline with the iconic Skylon.
Lavishly illustrated with images from the Powell & Moya archive and stunning new photography, this book is an essential read for architects, students, historians and modernist enthusiasts interested in learning more about one of the twentieth centuries most successful British practices dedicated to modern thinking and serving the people.
Written by eminent architectural author and critic Kenneth Powell, this book has been commissioned as part of a series of books on 20th Century Architects by RIBA Publishing, English Heritage and The Twentieth Century Society.
Ryder and Yates / Rutter Carroll.
London : RIBA, 2009.
xv, 143 p. : il.
Serie: Twentieth Century Architects (RIBA)
ISBN 9781859462669*
Ryder, Gordon, 1919-2000.
Yates, Peter, 1920-1982.
Arquitectura - Siglo XX - Gran Bretaña.
Biblioteca A-72.036(410) RYD
The first ever comprehensive account of the outstanding work of Ryder and Yates has been chronicled in this new book by Tyneside architect Rutter Carroll.
Formed by Gordon Ryder and Peter Yates and heavily influenced by Le Corbusier and Berthold Lubetkin, the practice dominated the development of modern architecture in the North East of England from the early 1950s, where their visually astounding modernism put them in stark contrast to their contemporaries.
Structured by building type, the book attempts to reveal the principles of design particular to the practice of Ryder and Yates. It tells how, from its formation in Newcastle in 1953, it quickly established a reputation for innovative and highly individual buildings situated almost exclusively on Tyneside. Discussing key works in the Ryder and Yates portfolio such as Norgas House and the Engineering Research Station in Killingworth through to MEA House and the Salvation Army hostel, it reveals the level of influence this practice had over the region.
Lavishly illustrated by images and plans from the Ryder & Yates private archive, this book is an essential read for architects, students, architectural historians and modernist enthusiasts interested in learning more about one of the 20th centurys most intriguing British practices.
This book has been commissioned as part of a series of books on 20th Century Architects by RIBA Publishing, English Heritage and The Twentieth Century Society.
London : RIBA, 2009.
xiii, 153 p. : il.
Serie: Twentieth Century Architects (RIBA)
ISBN 9781859463208*
McMorran, Donald, 1904-1965.
Whitby, George, 1923-2009.
Arquitectura - Siglo XX - Gran Bretaña.
Biblioteca A-72.036(410) MCM
McMorran & Whitby are a secret presence in post-war British architecture. Led from the late 1950s by Donald McMorran and George Whitby, the practice represented an unbroken development from the monumental inter-war classicism represented by figures such as Charles Holden and Sir Edwin Lutyens.
In seeking an alternative path for modern architecture, McMorran & Whitby produced durable buildings with a respect for context, but avoided any accusation of unimaginatively reproducing the past. Theirs was a progressive classicism full of invention and beauty. Being out of fashion, they suffered neglect but their work has increasingly won admirers and many of the buildings are now listed.
Many public institutions favoured their work, as Metropolitan Police stations and section houses, the Devon County Hall in Exeter, Nottingham University and the West Suffolk County Council buildings in Bury St Edmunds bear witness. For the City Corporation they built housing estates, the Wood Street Police Station and the extension to the Central Criminal Court, (The Old Bailey).
This book is the first major publication on McMorran & Whitbys work, with an inspiring combination of contemporary photography and previously unpublished archival material. It is an essential read for architects, students, and historians, not least because it uncovers and celebrates buildings outside the mainstream that we need to understand and cherish.
This book has been commissioned as part of a series of books on 20th Century Architects by RIBA Publishing, English Heritage and The Twentieth Century Society.
Powell & Moya / Kenneth Powell.
London : RIBA, 2009.
xv, 144 p. : il.
Serie: Twentieth Century Architects (RIBA)
ISBN 9781859463031*
Powell, Philip, 1921-2003.
Moya, Hidalgo, 1920-1994.
Arquitectura Siglo XX Gran Bretaña.
Biblioteca A-72.036(410) POW
The first ever comprehensive and engaging account of one of Britains most significant post-war practices, Powell & Moya.
Founded in 1946 by Philip Powell and Hidalgo 'Jacko' Moya, the practice rapidly established a reputation for an approach best described as 'humane modernism'. This book reveals the principles of design particular to Powell & Moya, and tells how they were at the forefront of hospital design, succeeded in bringing modernism to the ancient universities of Oxford and Cambridge, designed one of London's most successful post-war housing schemes, Churchill Gardens and enlivened the 1950s London skyline with the iconic Skylon.
Lavishly illustrated with images from the Powell & Moya archive and stunning new photography, this book is an essential read for architects, students, historians and modernist enthusiasts interested in learning more about one of the twentieth centuries most successful British practices dedicated to modern thinking and serving the people.
Written by eminent architectural author and critic Kenneth Powell, this book has been commissioned as part of a series of books on 20th Century Architects by RIBA Publishing, English Heritage and The Twentieth Century Society.
Ryder and Yates / Rutter Carroll.
London : RIBA, 2009.
xv, 143 p. : il.
Serie: Twentieth Century Architects (RIBA)
ISBN 9781859462669*
Ryder, Gordon, 1919-2000.
Yates, Peter, 1920-1982.
Arquitectura - Siglo XX - Gran Bretaña.
Biblioteca A-72.036(410) RYD
The first ever comprehensive account of the outstanding work of Ryder and Yates has been chronicled in this new book by Tyneside architect Rutter Carroll.
Formed by Gordon Ryder and Peter Yates and heavily influenced by Le Corbusier and Berthold Lubetkin, the practice dominated the development of modern architecture in the North East of England from the early 1950s, where their visually astounding modernism put them in stark contrast to their contemporaries.
Structured by building type, the book attempts to reveal the principles of design particular to the practice of Ryder and Yates. It tells how, from its formation in Newcastle in 1953, it quickly established a reputation for innovative and highly individual buildings situated almost exclusively on Tyneside. Discussing key works in the Ryder and Yates portfolio such as Norgas House and the Engineering Research Station in Killingworth through to MEA House and the Salvation Army hostel, it reveals the level of influence this practice had over the region.
Lavishly illustrated by images and plans from the Ryder & Yates private archive, this book is an essential read for architects, students, architectural historians and modernist enthusiasts interested in learning more about one of the 20th centurys most intriguing British practices.
This book has been commissioned as part of a series of books on 20th Century Architects by RIBA Publishing, English Heritage and The Twentieth Century Society.
hemeroteka | Basurama trata de demostrar que los residuos también son útiles

El grupo madrileño expone su trabajo con una conferencia titulada 'Consumo, atracón y peritonitis'
Carlos Santamaría | El Norte de Castilla, 2010-08-25
Imagen: El Norte de Castilla
Que la basura sea tan útil como cualquier otro producto. Con esta idea aterriza Basurama en Valladolid, un grupo de ocho artistas pluridisciplinares nacido en la Escuela de Arquitectura Politécnica de Madrid. En 2001 las mentes creativas de estos jóvenes se juntaron y decidieron participar en el Festival Basurama, de ahí que se hayan denominado de tan curiosa manera. «El nombre de aquel festival para jóvenes artistas nos pareció perfecto para darnos a conocer. Nos gustó porque mezcla las palabras amor y basura, que es precisamente lo que nosotros sentimos: amor por la basura», explica uno de sus miembros, Miguel Rodríguez, más conocido como 'Míster', un apelativo que arrastra con orgullo desde el colegio por sus brillantes notas, aunque en la universidad «ya no era tan empollón». book | Housing for the millions : John Habrakan and the SAR (1960-2000)
Housing for the millions : John Habraken and the SAR (1960-2000) / Koos Bosma, Dorine van Hoogstraten, Martijn Vos.
Rotterdam : NAi, 2000.
375 p. : il.
ISBN 9789056621780*
Habraken, John, 1928- .
Arquitectura - Siglo XX.
Biblioteca A-72 HABRAKEN HOU
The contents of this book are primarily concerned with the philosophy of the SAR's founding John Habraken (b. 1923), and in particular his new approach to the self-image, professional and social status of the designer, and the consequences for the role and input of the resident.This is the first time that the intellectual heritage of the SAR has been brought together in book form and considered within a broader international perspective.'Housing for the Millions' is especially important given the renewed interest evident today among investors, goverments, building companies and industry in a building methodology based on bi-lateral decision-making, flexibility and industrialisation.
Rotterdam : NAi, 2000.
375 p. : il.
ISBN 9789056621780*
Habraken, John, 1928- .
Arquitectura - Siglo XX.
Biblioteca A-72 HABRAKEN HOU
The contents of this book are primarily concerned with the philosophy of the SAR's founding John Habraken (b. 1923), and in particular his new approach to the self-image, professional and social status of the designer, and the consequences for the role and input of the resident.This is the first time that the intellectual heritage of the SAR has been brought together in book form and considered within a broader international perspective.'Housing for the Millions' is especially important given the renewed interest evident today among investors, goverments, building companies and industry in a building methodology based on bi-lateral decision-making, flexibility and industrialisation.
Hemeroteka | Oviedo: El edificio del Sespa y "El Termómetro", dos joyas que vuelven a lucir
Dos joyas que vuelven a lucir
El edificio del Sespa exhibe ya su nueva imagen tras la rehabilitación y «El Termómetro» muestra una parte de su fachada libre de andamios
A. Fernández | La Nueva España, 2010-08-24
Dos de los edificios más emblemáticos del racionalismo ovetense, «El Termómetro» y el que alberga los servicios centrales del Servicio de Salud del Principado de Asturias (Sespa), más conocido como el edificio del Insalud, acondicionan sus fachadas para mostrar la mejor de sus caras.
El edificio del Sespa exhibe ya su nueva imagen tras la rehabilitación y «El Termómetro» muestra una parte de su fachada libre de andamios
A. Fernández | La Nueva España, 2010-08-24
Dos de los edificios más emblemáticos del racionalismo ovetense, «El Termómetro» y el que alberga los servicios centrales del Servicio de Salud del Principado de Asturias (Sespa), más conocido como el edificio del Insalud, acondicionan sus fachadas para mostrar la mejor de sus caras.
book | Performance : architecture + design
Performance : architecture + design / Chris van Uffelen.
[Berlin] : Braun, 2010.
301 p. : il., planos
ISBN 9783037680421*
Recreo, Centros de.
Teatros - Construcción.
Biblioteca A-725.8 PER
From the contents:
• Opera House in Valencia, Spain (Santiago Calatrava)
• Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis, USA (Ateliers Jean Nouvel)
• Hessisches Landestheater in Darmstadt, Germany (Lederer+Ragnarsdóttir+Oei)
• Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon, Great Britain (Bennetts Associates Architects)
• Guangzhou Opera House, China (Zaha Hadid Architects)
Theaters, concert halls and opera houses are among the most fascinating architectural tasks of today. Large metropolises as well as medium-sized and smaller communities are enhancing their cultural infrastructure with spectacular new buildings and renovated historical structures for the performing arts. As prestige projects, buildings are emerging that first of all offer compelling designs and functions, but also shape and enrich their settings as outstanding individual structures.
“Masterpieces: Performance Architecture + Design” presents 69 contemporary international projects by famous architects and up-and-coming young designers. The diversity and creativity of the projects are presented in-depth through high-quality images and plans coupled with informative texts.
[Berlin] : Braun, 2010.
301 p. : il., planos
ISBN 9783037680421*
Recreo, Centros de.
Teatros - Construcción.
Biblioteca A-725.8 PER
From the contents:
• Opera House in Valencia, Spain (Santiago Calatrava)
• Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis, USA (Ateliers Jean Nouvel)
• Hessisches Landestheater in Darmstadt, Germany (Lederer+Ragnarsdóttir+Oei)
• Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon, Great Britain (Bennetts Associates Architects)
• Guangzhou Opera House, China (Zaha Hadid Architects)
Theaters, concert halls and opera houses are among the most fascinating architectural tasks of today. Large metropolises as well as medium-sized and smaller communities are enhancing their cultural infrastructure with spectacular new buildings and renovated historical structures for the performing arts. As prestige projects, buildings are emerging that first of all offer compelling designs and functions, but also shape and enrich their settings as outstanding individual structures.
“Masterpieces: Performance Architecture + Design” presents 69 contemporary international projects by famous architects and up-and-coming young designers. The diversity and creativity of the projects are presented in-depth through high-quality images and plans coupled with informative texts.
hemeroteka | Edificios que respiran como árboles
hemeroteka | Mendiburu, el artista de la materia

La Diputación ha encargado la catalogación de todas las obras del artista hondarribiarra Remigio Mendiburu
Teresa Flaño | El Diario Vasco, 2010-08-23
Imagen: El Diario Vasco
La Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa ha iniciado la catalogación de la obra del artista hondarribiarra Remigio Mendiburu. El encargo se ha realizado a un equipo dirigido por Xabier Sáenz de Gorbea, profesor de Últimas Tendencias Artísticas en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la UPV. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un catálogo razonado, un inventario de todas las obras. Sáenz de Gorbea explica que «hace unos años hicimos una primera aproximación, planteando, fichando las piezas que tenía la familia. Ahora es una segunda fase con el resto de las piezas». biblioteka | La próxima Bienal de Venecia contará con 45 bibliotecas españolas
Imagen: El Periódico de Catalunya

Simbolizarán el conocimiento. La red de bibliotecas dedicadas a urbanismo y arquitectura que existen en España, compuesta por un total de 45, estará presente en el pabellón nacional en la XII Muestra Internacional de Arquitectura, La Bienal de Venecia. La celebración será del 28 de agosto y el 21 de noviembre.
M.M. Ramos | COPE, 2010-08-23
book | Stations
Stations / Chris van Uffelen.
[Berlin] : Braun, 2010.
253 p. : il., planos
ISBN 9783037680445*
Ferrocarriles - Estaciones - Diseño y construcción.
Biblioteca A-725.31 STA
From the contents:
• Expo Station in Singapore (Foster & Partners)
• WTC Transportation Hub in New York, USA (Santiago Calatrava)
• Berlin Main Station, Germany (gmp)
• St Pancras International in London, Great Britain (Chapman Taylor)
• Saitama Shin-Toshin Station in Saitama City, Japan (Edward Suzuki Associates)
In the 21st century, stations of all kinds must be multifunctional, which has led to a spectacular renaissance of station construction in these days. Around the world, new facilities are being created that offer much more than representative buildings for arrivals and departures – contemporary concepts combine the most diverse types of transportation, while integrating retail and office spaces, hotels and restaurants.
By using high-quality images and plans, this volume presents international projects of famous architects. The projects range from large interregional and regional stations, which shape the urban identity of their locations, to tram and subway stations located above and below ground.
[Berlin] : Braun, 2010.
253 p. : il., planos
ISBN 9783037680445*
Ferrocarriles - Estaciones - Diseño y construcción.
Biblioteca A-725.31 STA
From the contents:
• Expo Station in Singapore (Foster & Partners)
• WTC Transportation Hub in New York, USA (Santiago Calatrava)
• Berlin Main Station, Germany (gmp)
• St Pancras International in London, Great Britain (Chapman Taylor)
• Saitama Shin-Toshin Station in Saitama City, Japan (Edward Suzuki Associates)
In the 21st century, stations of all kinds must be multifunctional, which has led to a spectacular renaissance of station construction in these days. Around the world, new facilities are being created that offer much more than representative buildings for arrivals and departures – contemporary concepts combine the most diverse types of transportation, while integrating retail and office spaces, hotels and restaurants.
By using high-quality images and plans, this volume presents international projects of famous architects. The projects range from large interregional and regional stations, which shape the urban identity of their locations, to tram and subway stations located above and below ground.
elkarrizketa | Pedro Quero Motto: "La mejor arquitectura surge de la necesidad"

«Asturias tiene un patrimonio industrial muy importante y habría que buscar el modo de recuperarlo» Sus obras más importantes: Edificio polivalente en Alcudia; Teatro Riera, en Villaviciosa; Viviendas en Mieres; Casa unifamiliar en Pruvia.
Elena Fdez.-Pello | La Nueva España, 2010-08-22
Imagen: La Nueva España
«En mi familia abundan los médicos y no hay ningún arquitecto, yo soy el primero». Pedro Quero Motto (Oviedo, 1974) no sabía apenas nada de arquitectura, pero le sedujo la posibilidad de aunar «lo técnico y lo humanístico» en una misma disciplina. Empezó la carrera en Valladolid, la terminó en la Politécnica de Madrid, trabajó varios años para los madrileños Nieto y Sobejano, ha ejercido la docencia y hace seis años tomó aire, dio el salto y se trasladó a Asturias. «Me gusta vivir aquí y para iniciar la carrera por tu cuenta es más fácil en un lugar que conoces bien», razona. Comparte estudio en Oviedo con su esposa, Consuelo Alperi, ingeniera industrial. Su criterio, dice, es imprescindible y define sus proyectos: «Le cuento mis ideas y ella me corrige, siempre desde un punto de vista más próximo a la realidad».book | Experience in material 49 : Ryoji Suzuki complete works 1973-2007
Experience in material 49 : Ryoji Suzuki complete works 1973-2007 / [authors, Ryoji Suzuki... et al. ; publisher, Izumi Akiyama].
Tokyo : INAX, 2007.
231 p. : principalmente il.
Texto en japonés e inglés
ISBN 9784872751390*
Suzuki, Ryoji, 1944- .
Arquitectura - Siglo XX - Japón.
Arquitectura - Siglo XXI - Japón.
Biblioteca A-72 SUZUKI EXP
Since the beginning of his career, Suzuki has chosen to call his architectural works 'Experience in Material'. These experiences range from small private residences, public facilities, lithographs, a film and most recently this publication. A total of 48 projects have been photographed in black & white by a number of different photographers, providing a survey of this often overlooked contemporary Japanese architect.
Tokyo : INAX, 2007.
231 p. : principalmente il.
Texto en japonés e inglés
ISBN 9784872751390*
Suzuki, Ryoji, 1944- .
Arquitectura - Siglo XX - Japón.
Arquitectura - Siglo XXI - Japón.
Biblioteca A-72 SUZUKI EXP
Since the beginning of his career, Suzuki has chosen to call his architectural works 'Experience in Material'. These experiences range from small private residences, public facilities, lithographs, a film and most recently this publication. A total of 48 projects have been photographed in black & white by a number of different photographers, providing a survey of this often overlooked contemporary Japanese architect.
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