
elkarrizketa | Antonio Lamela: "La arquitectura refleja la crisis social"

Imagen: El País
Antonio Lamela | Arquitecto | "La arquitectura refleja la crisis social"
Una exposición recorre los 45 años de trabajo del Estudio Lamela.
M. José Díaz de Tuesta | El País, 2010-10-07

argitalpenak | La casa segoviana, versión 2

Imagen: El Adelantado
La casa segoviana, versión 2
Caja Segovia presenta hoy una reedición de la emblemática obra del Marqués de Lozoya, acompañada de textos de Alonso Zamora, Antonio Ruiz y Miguel Ángel Chaves.
Guillermo Herrero | El Adelantado, 2010-10-07

El libro “La casa segoviana”, fuente de la que han bebido todos los historiadores que a lo largo del siglo XX estudiaron la arquitectura de Segovia, ha sido reeditado por la Obra Social de Caja Segovia, atendiendo así una propuesta hecha por el presidente-editor de “El Adelantado”, Carlos Herranz Cano, coincidiendo con el trigésimo aniversario del fallecimiento del autor de esta obra, Juan de Contreras y López de Ayala, Marqués de Lozoya (1893-1978).

book+ | Space and the architect : lessons in architecture 2

Space and the architect : lessons in architecture 2 / Herman Hertzberger.
Rotterdam : 010 Publishers, 2010.
291 p. : il.

ISBN 9789064507335*
Arquitectura - Teoría.
Arquitectura - Siglo XX.
Biblioteca A-72.01 SPA

Texto completo | Google Books

The work of Herman Hertzberger is the subject of wide international esteem. 1991 first saw publication of Hertzberger’s Lessons for Students in Architecture, an elaborated version of lectures he had given since 1973 at Delft University of Technology. This immensely successful book has gone through many reprints and has also been published in Japanese, German, Italian, Portuguese, Taiwanese, Dutch, Greek, Polish, Iranian, Korean and Chinese.

Space and the Architect is the second book written by Hertzberger. It charts the backgrounds to his work of recent years and the ideas informing it, drawing on a wide spectrum of subjects and designs by artists, precursors, past masters and colleagues, though with his own work persistently present as a reference. Space is its principal theme, physical space but also the mental or intellectual regions the architect calls upon during the process of designing. Once again Hertzberger’s broad practical experience, his ideas and his seemingly inexhaustible ’library’ of images are a major source of inspiration for anyone whose concern is the design of space.
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