
hemeroteka | Juan Beldarrain, impulsor del urbanismo verde

Imagen: El Mundo
Impulsor del urbanismo verde
Juan Beldarrain ha trabajado con el arquitecto Rafael Moneo. Ha sido uno de los finalistas de la Bienal de Arquitectura. Apuesta por el 'ecodiseño y la sostenibilidad de los edificios'
Patxi Arostegi | El Mundo, 2011-06-27

Apuesta por una innovación basada en la observación y en "escuchar" a los ciudadanos. De la transformación que vive la sociedad, influenciada por la presencia de las "nuevas tecnologías" dice haber aprendido que "esta reclama una arquitectura más sostenible y que dé solución a los problemas derivados del consumo de los recursos energéticos provocados por el sector de la construcción".

book | Green design from theory to practice

Green design from theory to practice / edited by Ken Yeang and Arthur Spector.
London : Black Dog, 2011.
143 p. : il., fot.
Selección de capítulos de ponentes del 7th Jerusalem Seminar in Architecture 2009
ISBN 9781907317125*

Arquitectura - Aspecto del medio ambiente.
Biblioteca A-72:504 GRE

“Green Design: From Theory to Practice” is a unique discussion of the issues surrounding sustainability, environmental responsibility and the use of natural resources becoming unavoidable. The book looks at what Green Design actually entails and how this can be implemented within today’s architectural practice.

This reader scrutinises the pressing questions that designers must confront today, looking at the need to comply to green accreditation systems, but also at the wider and often over-looked implications of building design. Green Design looks in-depth at the way we use buildings, distribution systems of energy, transportation, manufacturing and the food industries, and ultimately at the way we lead our lives, to evaluate and address the true meaning of Green Design and the real causes underpinning today’s environmental crisis.

The contributors each bring their own thoughts and questions on how to improve sustainable design, how important it is and how it can be enforced. These discussions are given a contemporary relevance through the inclusion of the work of contemporary architects, artists, writers and commentators.
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